Friday, September 9, 2011

Introducing....Fearless..... Tabitha Kyambadde

While in Minneapolis, Mary Ann Halpin and Betty Liedtke got to talking. No light chit chat here....this conversation was Fearless, Fabulous, and Full of Visionary Plans for the Future!

Betty, herself a Fearless Woman, shared a moving story with Mary Ann, that introduced yet another astounding woman of strength, and fearless valor~ Tabitha Kyambadde.

Betty shared:  
“As soon as the Fearless Women, Fearless Wisdom book was launched in July, 2010, I gave a speech about it at my Toastmasters Club. Tabitha Kyambadde, who is from Uganda, was a guest at our club that day. She told me afterwards how inspired she was by my speech and the story of my “fearless journey.”

Tabitha bought several copies of the book, and shared them with her daughter in Uganda, who shared the book with many of her friends. They all were inspired by the women in the book, and a fearless bond began to form. Many of the women in Uganda thought that women in America had wonderful lives, and were surprised to read about some of the challenges, troubles, and tragedies they had endured and overcome.

“They’re just like us,” the women in Uganda realized. “They have problems, too.” At the same time, they realized that they – the women in Uganda – could be fearless women, too.

Tabitha has become fearless and unstoppable in all that she has been doing to introduce women in Uganda – and here in the United States, too – to the Fearless Women in the book, and to everything that women everywhere are capable of if we are fearless in our resolve and determination.

Tabitha is a woman of grace, elegance, eloquence, and of quiet but enormous power and wisdom. I am honored and humbled when people express their awe and admiration of Tabitha and she tells them that it all started with her friend, Betty, and the Fearless Women book.

Tabitha and I started talking and dreaming months ago about someday introducing women in Uganda to Fearless Women in person. That will be a dream come true for me this October as I travel to Uganda to take part in the conference Tabitha has organized in order to help women there to dream of all that they are capable of doing and becoming, and to help them pursue and achieve their dreams.

Both Tabitha and I are ecstatic over Mary Ann’s plans to take the Fearless Women book tour to Uganda in 2012, where Fearless Women from North America to Africa will have the opportunity to meet, celebrate, and support each other, as well as to honor and promote Mary Ann’s Visions of a New World.”

Tabitha shared her Fearless vision for the women of Uganda: “As you have stated, the conditions under which these women thrive are very depressing and therefore I feel desperate on their behalf. For that reason, I feel something has to be done along the following lines:
Through the NGO which I registered  both here in Minnesota and Uganda , I would like to raise funds to secure land whereby we can create or establish a Village  for them and their children. The village will have a Treatment Center which will commit to a holistic healing and embrace a wide variety of treatment modalities. As you read in the article, these women have already allowed social stigma, labeling and guilt to prevent them from seeking help and those who have tried to shake it off cannot go forward because help is hard to come by, therefore, we would like the Rehabilitation Center to be a mulch-faceted institution whereby the mothers and their kids can be equipped and empowered with skills and knowledge that will enable them to thrive in the midst of disease, poverty and the prevailing HIV/AIDS epidemic. The Center shall not be just an information dispensing organ, but an organization that is dedicated to rescuing, protecting, guiding, and nurturing hope, whose graduates should become productive and contribute to society.”

Stay tuned for more exciting news about the Fearless Women Visions of a New World Tour 2012 which will indeed, encompass Uganda as well!

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