I am, on most days, a really positive person. Really, I am! Today....not so much! So I found this description of fear and thought, "right on....damn straight....shit, someone has to say it!"
So I'm feeling fearlessly feisty today. I'm feeling my emotions, my anger, my fear, my exhaustion, my sassyness, my joy, my darkness and my soul....screaming at me. It's real, it's intense and it's authentic.
Is it just me but are we all pretending that everything is perfect in our world? :) Is it just me thinking I'm the only one feeling all these feelings and feeling really pissed off and ashamed? :( So I'm coming out to say, enough is enough. Let's some thinking "The Secret" is the end all. Let's stop believing that we are creating every negative or challenging thing in our lives. Let's just put our tools of torture down and stop flogging ourselves with the velvet strap.
I'm not saying to walk through the valley of the shadow of death and pitch a tent there! I'm sayin that perhaps it's time for a scream fest. Am I being cranky? If so, just crank up my cranky girl cause that's just where I'm at. Fearless? Yeh...that's me the leader, the messenger, swimming into my fear of whatever is in my way and diving in. Like a synchronized swimmer, I would love to just gather with my fearless women water dancers and choreograph a drunken splash fest. Sounds frigin fun to me!
So here I am, the fearless messenger, leading out of my mess. Wow, I just had a head rush...what was that? Perhaps my authentic self just popped her crazy ass head out of my heart to give me a rush of reality.
So please, my fearless friends, don't tell me to focus on all the good, have faith and see the beauty of everything or any of that new age babble cause I'm just not into it right now! I'm feeling a bit like Lewis Black, who created a comedy album called Show of F*ck (although it's not censored), Fran Lebowitz, who said, "This is the best time to be a grouch, in all of history" and Katie Goodman's song, "I didn't Fuck it up."
Okay...I hope I cheered you up, made you laugh, think, feel or got you pissed off. I hope it made you feel something!
I feel better now...thanks for listening with your eyes and hearts!
Here's to the fearless journey!
Love, Kisses and Cheers,
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