Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hope is a function of struggle.

When I think of hope, I don't think of struggle. I tend to feel that hope is out of pure optimism but perhaps that is too Pollyanna....of course I've always loved playing the "Glad Game."

 Not to digress into talking about being glad, which is another discussion, I will journey into "hope." I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like the "struggle" in life is never ending and it just creates massive stress in my life and my husband. Poor dear, he has such a sensitive heart and ironically it goes out of rhythm when his mind takes hold worrying about money and the struggle he feels. I told him to talk to his heart to ask what it needs. Shouldn't we all do that?

I sometimes call my television and Youtube, "The Oracle." I will turn on  either of them and find the perfect inspiration, answer to a question or food for thought that is so necessary to my continued growth . So today I felt a bit hopeless. Dare I tell anyone? I am supposed to be the "Fearless Leader." I've created three books about it. You would think I could get it right? Sometimes when I share my hopelessness and struggle with my inspired new thought friends, they coach me to watch my thoughts and look at the words I use. They share that life does not have to be a "struggle." So I tend to not share these days when I dance with my shadow as it just throws me into shame, which is another interesting subject.

In my dance with my shadow self, I began to search for women who inspire and inspirational speeches. This became my perfect lesson and just what I needed to hear.  I was delighted to find  Dr. Brene' Brown speak about feeling worthy and being in hope. It amazed me to hear her say, "Hope is a function of struggle and it's the product of not tying our failure to who we are. What we see in high hopeful people is that they can separate their achievements from their struggles and their failures from who they are as people. Dreams don't work unless we do."

Reflecting on what she said, I believe "struggle" has been given a bad rap. I also believe "being in balance" is over rated. I'm all about being in harmony and dancing through the journey, sometimes joyously and sometimes with deep dark drama. Both of these beliefs probably raise the hair on the back of many of your necks. It makes me feel relieved to know that "hope is a function of struggle." It makes me realize not only do we all live in struggle and feel guilty about it but we live in such stunning scarcity....not enough of anything....time, money, work, client or "Likes." Ultimately, we have enormous amount of vulnerability (which is not a bad thing) but leads us to sitting in shame. I don't know about you but this realization makes me want to take my clothes off and dance in the rain of pure celebration. 

So my fearless friends, once again I share and bare my fearless soul to you about my struggles and my oh so fabulous journey to discover and rediscover the fearless woman that I am.

I invite you to pass this along to any friend you know that my want to read this. Perhaps it my just inspire them to dance in the rain too!

I also invite you to join me for the upcoming Fearless Visionary Mountain Retreat, June 20-23, 2013. Give yourself the gift of time and the space to be vulnerable and sit in a group of powerful visionary women who dare to live greatly!

Thank you for baring witness to my vulnerable self. I am forever grateful.

Fearlessly yours dancing joyously in the sun (it's not raining today)!

Mary Ann

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